I'm a Vodafone user and lately I've been receiving many SMS adverts from TA-BJP asking readers to vote for LK Advani and BJP. I get a couple of SMSes from the same id everyday. And I'm informed (in the SMS itself) that if I do not wish to receive any SMSes from this ID, I will have to send an SMS at Rs.3/-. I understand that it is a meagre sum and shouldn't matter much, but I did not subscribe to this BJP propaganda messaging service. So why should my service provider expect me to pay anything to stop getting these smses. Is it fair for cellular companies to spam their consumer's inbox with political party adverts and then ask them to pay up to stop the incessant messages?
I'm not sure if it violates any rules laid down by the election commission but I think cell companies should be more discreet while advertising for such issues, especially with the whole country being so upfront and alert of their citizen rights and voting privileges these days. Though I absolutely hate parties like BJP, I do realize that the more regressive they are, they do love to use of modern technology to reach out to the masses. No problems with that but why should they expect everyone to like reading their SMSes all the time. And shouldn't I be able to unsubscribe to this 'service' without having to pay a price for it? After all, I do have some freedom of choice in this country, don't I?
I don't know but this attempt does not seem right, should I talk to the consumer forum, any suggestions?
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