There's been no time to sit and ponder since I've been back from my Europe tour. I'm yet to write a detailed post on those unforgettable days of my life. Staying back in office to meet deadlines and rushing back home to finish household chores would have really bogged me down. Until, I discovered the new love of my life, Sketching, currently the biggest stress buster of my life.I'm a firm believer that the simplest things in life give you more joy than you have the capacity to take in. And how true it is!
It happened all of a sudden, I just saw some kids drawing in the neighbourhood and felt I should give it a try. That same evening, I bought a sketchbook, some crayons, and colour pencils. Let me warn you, my drawing skills are even worse than amateur,if you will. The only thing I draw well is the typical Home and tree next to it that I was taught in Standard I. But trust me on this, even when I just scribble and make inexplicable patterns I'm as happy and excited as a school girl. It really makes me forget the many pressures of grown up life. (No, I don't mean sketching or painting is only meant for kids but it really transcends me into my childhood world).
Initially, my mom laughed it away saying that this would be like one my millions of hobbies I grew wary of and forgot. But it's been over a month and I do sketch on an almost daily basis. Since I really can't draw human faces that well, I do a lot of landscapes.
These colours have a calming, an almost therapeutic effect on me. Each sunset orange and yellow brightens me up, all my blues get washed away by the many tints of of the skies and waters I paint. The green in the grass and leaves rejuvenates me, and the simple red, pink, purple flowers make my heart sing with joy at the end of the day. Reading, sketching, writing, music, playing any musical instrument - just try any one of these or similar activities in your free time and see how happy the these simple pleasures of life can make you.